Assessment of usage status and affecting factors about the contraception methods of young adult men
Objective: With this study, we aimed to evaluate the knowledge, usage status and attitudes of young adult men about family planning and contraception methods, a group that has not been studied before in our country, and to determine the influencing factors.
Method: This descriptive research was conducted on male individuals between the ages of 18-35 between June 2020 and July 2020 by applying an online e-questionnaire. In the study, a questionnaire form consisting of 25 questions in total and formed after the literature review was applied. The e-questionnaire form developed by the researchers was shared 10 times over the web at three-day intervals.
Results: 85.0% of the participants (n = 380) have experienced sexual intercourse at least once in their life. 55.7% of these people (n = 323) throughout their life; 21.1% of them have been with more than one partner in the last year. 89.2% of them do not plan to have a child in the next year. 65.9% of those who have had sexual intercourse have used contraceptive methods in their sexual intercourse. As the education level increases (p = 0.003), the increase in the frequency of using contraceptive methods was found to be statistically significant. Those who use alcohol (p = 0.004) and who think that men should be protected during sexual intercourse (p <0.001), use contraceptive methods more than others.
Conclusion: Our study was conducted with a young adult male sample, and as a result, it was observed that more than half of the men used male contraceptive method together. In order to increase these rates, men to intervene in family planning by making a joint decision with their partner, and to increase the knowledge level of men, pre-marital applications should be evaluated as an opportunity, especially in primary health care centers and family health centers.
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