Assessment Of Thyroid Gland In Different Age Groups
Thyroid functions have great impact on in every phase of one’s life. Thyroid functional abnormalities experienced during pregnancy period leads various problems. In case of hyperthyroidism pregnancy can be end up with abortus, still-birth, and premature labor while hypothyroidism it can lead to postpartum hemorrhage, placenta ablatio, and fetal death. It is also vital to diagnose any thyroid dysfunction from fetal period to late neonatal period. Cases that are missed leads to irreversible brain damages. Thyroid dysfunction in childhood can cause wide range of effects from growth retardation to intellectual disability. Furthermore thyroid disorders increase by aging which is important for elder population. It is important not to consider it as a natural process of aging, in order to prevent from delayed diagnosis and treatment. Not only during adult life, but in every period of life, careful evaluation of thyroid functions in history and physical examination should be a priority for family physicians.
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