Cultural Behaviors and Practices of Students During Menstruation
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the cultural behaviors and practices of students, receiving education in the department of midwifery, regarding menstruation.
Method: The sample group of this descriptive study consisted of 240 (%98) students who voluntary to participate in the study among 244 students receiving education at Atatürk University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Midwifery in the academic year of 2014- 2015. The data of the study were collected by using the questionnaire by means of face that was prepared by the researchers based on the literature knowledge. Percentage distributions were used to analyze the data.
Results: It was determined that 59,6% (n=143) of the students were in the age group of 17-20 years, mean age was 20,33±1,65. It was determined that 38,8% (n=93) of the students were first-year, 25,4% (n=61) second-year, 18,3% (n=44) third-year, and 17,5% (n=42) fourth-year students. It was determined that mothers of 54.2% (n=130) of the students were primary school graduates, fathers of 50,8% (n=122) were primary school graduates, mothers of 86,7% (n=208) were unemployed and fathers of 70,8% (n=170) were employed. First menarch age of students were 13,49±1,10. It was determined that 51,7% (n=124) of students had their first menarch age in the age range of 11-13 years, 56,7% (n=136) defined the menstruation day as the monthly period, and 33,3% (n=80) expressed the concepts defining the menstruation day in triple of options (flow, monthly period, patient). While 94,6% (n=227) of students stated that there were as inappropriate behaviors to be applied during the menstruation period cutting nails/hair, taking feather/hair, praying at pilgrimage/Umrah, 81,7% (n=196) stated that they avoided reading the Koran. 42,5% (n=102) of students stated that the menstruation period needed to be kept private in society.
Conclusion: Even though majority of students were informed about menstruation in terms of the department they studied at, cultural behaviors and practices regarding the menstruation period were determined.
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