E-health solutions in primary health care
The World Health Organization defines E-health as the cost-effective and safe use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support health and health-related fields, including health services, health surveillance, health literature and health education, information and research. In this study, we aimed to compile information on the importance of e-health use in family medicine and some e-health applications used in family medicine worldwide in light of current literature. The purpose of our review study is to facilitate the discussion on the use of rapidly developing technologies in the context of family medicine discipline.
Primary health care is challenged to provide quality and accessible care to an increasingly ageing population with a high prevalence of chronic diseases. To adapt, primary care providers need to adopt innovative practices, including eHealth. In family medicine, digital health has the potential to help patients monitor and manage chronic conditions, while preventing disease and reducing healthcare costs. There is also great benefit in using technology to provide individualized health care. It is also beneficial for Family Physicians to take advantage of advances in digital health, thus contributing to improved patient health care.
There are various e-health applications utilized in primary healthcare worldwide, with some countries using them extensively, while others use them sparingly. The range of e-health applications utilized in primary healthcare is continually expanding and includes disease coding systems, clinical decision support systems, e-prescription, e-dispatch, digital imaging, disease monitoring software, remote measurement devices, and smart wearable technologies. Despite the potential benefits of eHealth, evaluating its effectiveness, usability, and accuracy through scientific evidence before implementation is crucial. However, there is often a lack of sufficient scientific evidence to support the implementation of eHealth applications fully. Therefore, the conditions necessary for eHealth to reach its full potential in primary healthcare remain unclear..
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