Case presentation from a family physician from the frontline in the pandemic
The World Health Organization China National Office have announced pneumonia cases of unknown etiology from Hubei district of China for the first time on 31st of December 2019. On 7th of January 2020 the etiologic agent has been accepted as a new coronavirus (Covid19) that is not formerly detected in human. World Health Organization classified Covid19 epidemic as “international public health emergency” on the 30th of January, and as a global pandemic on the 11th of March, since Covid19 cases have been detected in 113 countries other than China, where the epidemic has first begun, and because of the expansion of the virus and its severity. Covid19 related studies have been started in our country on the 10th of January 2020 and the first meeting of the T.R. Ministry of Health Scientific Advisory Committee has been realized on 22 January, and due to the preventive measures, the first Covid19 case is seen on 11 March after Europe and Iran, the countries in our neighborhoods. With the case presentations in this article we tried to present a section from the field.
- Karasu, F. Koronavirus (COVID-19) vakaları artarken salgının ön safındaki bir yoğun bakım hemşiresi: “CEPHEDE DURAN KAHRAMANLAR”. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi 2020;24 (1):11-4.
- T.C Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 Genel Bilgiler, Epidemiyoloji ve Tanı Rehberi. Ankara, Haziran 2020.