Relation Between Sociodemographic Variables with the Levels of Depression and Anxiety in Pregnancy
Aim: To determine sociodemographic characteristics of pregnant women admitted to family medicine and obstetrics and gynecology clinic and investigate the relationship of depression and anxiety with these characteristics.
Methods: The study was performed from April to July 2011. Total 173 pregnant women, regardless of age were included in the study. Ninety two of pregnant women who admitted to Family Health Center and 81 who admitted to Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic completed the questionnaire. Patients were primarily informed about the study and asked for their permissions. Pregnant assessment questionnaire and hospital anxiety and depression scale was administered to pregnant women who accepted the study.
Results: Mean age of 173 pregnant women was 28.18 ± 6.32 (17-45). It was detected that 52.6% of pregnant women were in the first 5 years of their marriage, 48% of them wanted spontaneous vaginal delivery, 78% became pregnant willingly and preplanned, 76.3% of them were housewives, and 87.3% visited their family physician, 85% visited Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist regularly. Anxiety was determined in 34.1% and depression was determined in 32.4% of the participants’. Depression was found in 22% of women aged between 1-5 years duration of marriage and 43.9% of women more than 5 years duration of marriage (p=0.002). Referring anxiety levels, anxiety was detected in 22.0% of pregnant women within 1 to 5 years duration of marriage and 29.3% of pregnant women within more than 5 years duration of marriage (p=0.203). Depression was present in 26.7% of women who became pregnant willingly and preplanned and also anxiety was determined in 34.1% of the same group. Depression was detected in 52.6% and anxiety was detected in 34.2% of participants who had unplanned pregnancy (p=0.003, p=0.987 respectively).
Conclusion: Pregnancy is a condition that changes body image, social relations and roles of family members. This condition affects the biological situation of pregnant women as well as their psychological and social status. Pregnant women should be questioned and supported for their psychological problems during follow-up of family physicians.
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