Epilepsy and Family Medicine
Family physicians are specialist physicians trained in line with the principles of the discipline. Essentially, they are personal physicians responsible for providing comprehensive and ongoing service to every individual seeking medical care, regardless of age, gender, or condition. Being able to manage the first contact with patients by dealing with unselected problems, deal with all health conditions, provide coordinated service with other staff and other specialists in primary care, provide effective and appropriate healthcare delivery and use of healthcare services, make appropriate services within the healthcare system accessible to the patient, advocate for the patient includes the ability to be Family physicians are also the first point of contact for patients with epilepsy. In addition, being in contact with the people registered to them when they are healthy or their illness is stable, being easily accessible, having the chance to see the patients in their own environment/home are advantages that family physicians can use in the care of patients with epilepsy. Therefore, family physicians should be able to recognize and manage a patient with epilepsy and deal with all health problems.
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