The Treatment Approaches to Pressure Ulcers: Case Report and Review of the Literature
Pressure ulcers, which have long treatment duration, is a common health problem that is also frequent in patient population of Family Medicine Home Health Unit. In the light of the guidelines, it is aimed to review the treatment of this health problem, taking important place at family medicine discipline, with a case report that has grade 3 pressure ulcers at 3 different parts of his body as sacral, right and left gluteal regions. After examinations and assessments, vacuum assisted closure therapy (V.A.C therapy) was decided to be performed and pressure ulcers of the patient were regressed to grade 2-1. Afterwards the treatment continued with wound dressings. As this case, to decide the treatment option of pressure ulcer regarding to its grade, patient’s nutrition and hidration, to take control of comorbidities and precautions to prevent pressure ulcers are crucial.
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