A qualitative analysis about the application of electronic prescription
Background and Aim: Electronic prescription (e-prescription) is a form of technology that records electronically all format information of prescriptions and provides flow of information in the electronic platform. According to the researches, e-prescription decreases errors and cost on prescribing and increases the quality of health service delivery. The practice has been used in our country since 2012 and is being developed day-by-day. The aim of our study is to evaluate e-prescription practice from the viewpoint of physicians, patients, pharmacists and pharmacy workers in the first year.
Methods: Our research is qualitative and it was conducted with physicians, patients, pharmacists and pharmacy workers in Istanbul between 28.02.2014-30.04.2014. It was done semi-structu-red, in-depth interviews with physicians, pharmacists and pharmacy workers; and focus group interviews with patients. The voice recordings of interviews were analyzed one-on-one and the thematic analysis was done.
Results: According to our research, e-prescription makes things easier for physicians, pharmacists as well as, enables them to save time and pleases users by decreasing the cost. However, both systematic as well as technical difficulties and individual mistakes such as in accurately entered data bring about negative results such as causing users to lose time or hindering me-dicines from being bought.
Conclusions: According to our study in the first year of e-prescribing practice, it generally constitutes satisfaction among users. But when it is thought that the development of e-presciption practice is a dynamic process, carrying out current research related to the topic is of great importance. At this point, our research results will shed light on the researches that will be planned abo-ut this issue.
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