The Personal Hygiene Practices of Male High School Students Staying In A Dormitory in Kahramanmaraş
Aim: In the present study, it is aimed to assess the personal hygiene practices of male high school students staying in a dormitory in Kahramanmaraş
Methods: The study was performed on 123 male students staying in a dormitory of a high school in Kahramanmaraş. All the students were informed about the study before a seminar about personal hygiene was offered and those giving informed consent were included in the study.
Results: The mean age of the participants was 16.70±1.30 years (min=14, max=20). Thirty-eight participants (30,8%) were first year students, 21 (17,1%) were second year students, 37 (30,1%) were third year students and 27 (22,0%) were fourth year students. A hundred and eight participants (95,9%) reported to wash their face in the morning, but 5 (4,1%) reported not to wash their face. The frequency of hand washing was 1-3 times a day in 17 students (13,8%), 4-6 times a day in 47 students (38,2%), 7-9 times in 25 students (20,3%) and 10 or more than 10 times in 34 students (27,6%). One hundred and fourteen (92,7%) of the students remarked that they washed their hands after the toilet while 105 (85.4%) of them told that they washed their hands before meal. It turned out that 96 students (78,0%) brushed their teeth, but that 27 students (22,0%) did not brush their teeth.
Conclusion: In the present study it was determined that the personal hygiene practices of male high school students staying in dormitory were not adequate, which play an important role in prevention of both infectious diseases and other health conditions. The students staying in dormitories should be offered education programs directed towards improvement of personal hygiene practices
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