The Turkish adaptation of the 6-item Kutcher Depression Scale (KADS-6): A Validity and reliability study
Background: The scales used to determine the risk of depression in childhood and adolescence are quite long and complex for adolescents. The Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale (KADS-6) is a short depression screening scale consisting of 6 items developed for individuals between the ages of 12-22. The aim of this study is to adapte KADS-6 to Turkish and examine validity and reliability.
Materials and Method: This is a reliability and validity study, conducted with the students of 2 High Schools in Istanbul in March 2019. KADS-6 was translated to Turkish from English with permission of the researchers developed the scale. Then, it was translated back to English by a bilingual person. The test-retest method was used for reliability analysis. For the validity analysis, the scale was applied to 120 students with a mean age of 15±0.98, exploratory factor analysis was done and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated. In addition, the correlation between the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and KADS-6 was investigated.
Results: The test-retest correlation coefficient of the scale is 0.983 (p <0.001); Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.83. A single factor emerged that explained 53.8% of the total variance. There is a high and positive correlation between Turkish KADS-6 and PSS scores (r=0.61; p <0.001). Those who are positive in terms of risk of depression have higher PSS scores, than those are negative (31.49 ± 7.49; 24.04 ± 6.77; p <0.001).
Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that Turkish KADS-6 is a valid and reliable scale. Therefore, the use of CADS-6 in the screening of depression in adolescents may be an advantage for family physicians, since it contains few questions and can be completed in a short time.
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