Usage of Family APGAR Scale in Family Medicine: Study of Turkish
Aim: The purpose of this study is to make Turkish adaptation of Family APGAR Scale (Smilkstein, 1978) developed in order for family physicians to evaluate the family functions in a short time.
Material and Methods: Turkish version of the scale was administrated to those who accepted to participate in the study among the patients and their relatives consulting to two family physicians (n=183). The validity and reliability of the scale were analyzed by appropriate statistical methods.
Results: The mean age was 32.09±10.03 (18-60) and 55.7 % of 183 participants were female. Item-to-total point correlation of the Family APGAR Scale was identified to change between 0.502 and 0.679. Test-retest correlation was found to be 0.759 (p=0.000). Cronbach’s alpha coefficient showing the internal consistency of the scale items was calculated to be 0.793. Language validity correlation was detected to be 0.899 (p=0. 000). Structure validity χ2 2/df rate was lower than 5, GFI and AGFI values were higher than 0.90, RMR and RMSEA values were lower 0.05, GFI was 1.0, AGFI was 0.99, RMR and RMSEA values were 0.0. In addition, similar scales validity was found to be r= -0.596 (p=0.000).
Conclusion: The fact that the items of scale have the desired characteristics, the scale has a high validity and reliability, and it owns similar scales validity indicated that family physicians can use the Family APGAR Scale in Turkey so as to identify people’s perceptions regarding their families’ functioning.
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