Long-Term Health Problems In The Use Of Oral Contraceptives
The oral contraceptives are one of the most commonly used contraceptive methods in the World. Although the knowledge about the OCs is high, the utilization rate of oral contraceptives in our country is lower than the other methods. Their combined forms are most commonly used. They perform the main contraceptive effect by inhibiting ovulation and reduce blood loss by regulating menstruation. The most common side effects are nausea, headaches, mood changes and weight changes. Nevertheless, oral contraceptives cause many eye diseases and also inflammation and hyperplasia in gums. The risk of coronary artery disease and venous thromboembolism is increased during oral contraceptive use. When some mutations occur in the gene coding for coagulation factors, the risk of venous thromboembolism is much higher. As a result of the studies on oral contraceptive use; despite the risks of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and colorectal cancer decrease, the risks of desmoid tumors and cutaneous melanoma are increased. However, even if women have family history, it was not detected any change in the breast cancer risk. Oral contraceptive users should be provided counseling services before using and while using the oral contraceptive pills. Oral contraceptive use always be questioned during the doctorpatient interview and the possible systemic effects of the drug must be taken into consideration.
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