Families satisfaction and getting services from family medicine
Background and Aim: EA primary care physician is the person who the people firstly appeal for their all health problems. And they approach to community personally and also special for families. Family Medicine is a comprehensive, holistic, accessible, communial health service. The aim of this research is to exhibit that why the families use primary care service and what are their oppinions about this via making interwievs in great detail.
Methods: This is a qualitative research which has a target group that includes families. The data was collected from semi structured focus group meetings. The participant families were consist of immediate or large families who use different primary care centers to increase different opinion range. Interwievs were caried out in different cities by researchers. Before the interwievs, participants were asked to form an anket to have their personal characteristics, and their written acceptances were collected. The interwievs were performed in 5 different cities, at places which all participants could talk comfortably and the voice records of them could be taken easily- like their houses-. All meetings had 6-9 people and took 35-90 minutes. In the interwievs, when the participants started to give similar answers to same question, the new one was asked and at the end of the conversations a semi structured anket form was filled by families. 2 researchers read all of the written copies of the interwievs and one independent researcher contributed to the assessment. All of the vocie records were thematically analysed one by one. The ethical approval of the research was taken from committee of ethics of Marmara Univesity School of Medicine.
Results: Totally 26 focus group meetings have been held among 72 families who (n=165) took part in focus group meetings. The themas which emerged in the results of research analysis are; families using medicine as a family and families’ suggestions, observations and comments related to implementations, first step is classified as; the prejudice about primary health care services, expectations and suggestions about family medicine, how a normal family doctor should be.
Conclusions: It is detected that families recieve individually and limited services from family doctors and families are not aware of services served by family doctors.Families have perception that family doctors deal with simple health problems than other doctors. There are differences between regional and doctor implementaions. The conclusions is focused on more about factors which influence on having service and satisfaction, suggestions, accessibility, comprehensive and permanent care, positive relationship between doctors and patients.
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