Missed Opportunities in Preventive Adolescent Heath Approach, in Family Health Centers in Istanbul
Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the missed opportunities related to the preventive health services special to the adolescence in primary care.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional community based study. It is realized in 2013, among 10-19 year old adolescents who applied to 112 physicians, representing Family Health Units in İstanbul Pendik. A questionnaire prepared by the investigators has been applied to first five adolescents, who had no understanding and expression problem, by face to face interviewing method. Adolescents have been questioned about their sociodemographic charateristics and whether they had been asked by the physicians about preventable risk factors related to the last one year period. Preventable risk factors were determined according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization and Ministry of Health. The state of not having investigated about these risk factors has been considered as “missed opportunity”.
Results: A total of 336 adolescents (47% female, 53% male, mean age value 14±2,74) have been recruited in the study. The state of investigation of the risky areas were as: suicidal thoughts (0.0%), drunk driving vehicle (1.2%), water pipe use (1.8%), drug use (2.1%), alcohol use (2.4%), casque use (2.4%), trying to loose weight (2.4%), use of safety belt (4.2%), being part of a quarrel (4.8%), meeting with an accident (14.6%), smoking (17.6%), excercising (18.8%), satisfaction with his/her own weight (20.8%), blood pressure measurement (27.4%), questioning about weight change (29.5%), height-weight measurement (57.4%), feeling of oneself (61.3%). Investigation ratios of the need for information about flirting, sexual experience, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, quetions asked to the adolescents over 15, were 6.2%, 0.0%, 2.1% ve 1.4% respectively. Being part of a quarrel, alchohol use and exercise were more asked to the males, weight change, blood pressure and height-weight measurement were more investigated in females (p<0,05). Risky areas were more investigated in 15 years and over group (3±2.27; 2±1.94; p<0,05) than less than 15. Smoking and water pipe use, use of safety belt, trying to loose weight, drug and alcohol use were more asked to the worker adolescents; feeling of oneself and height/weight measurement were more investigated in non-worker adolescents (p<0,05).
Discussion and Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that the opportunities related to the preventive risks special to adolescence are missed in Family Health Units in Pendik. “Missed opportunities” change according to the age, sex and working status. There is need for further studies to investigate to enlighten the reasons to miss the opportunities.
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