The Relationship between death anxiety and rational drug use
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between death anxiety levels and rational drug use of individuals admitted to Karabuk Community Health Center Smoking Cessation Outpatient Clinic.
Materials and Methods: A correlational and descriptive methodology was used in this study. The study included 278 individuals and the survey method was applied. Data entry was made with SPSS 22. In the study, data on rational drug use and death anxiety levels of individuals were found.
Results: As a result of the study, levels of rational drug use and death anxiety levels in individuals were determined separately. As a result of the evaluation, it was found that rational drug use decreased proportionally as death anxiety level increased. In the study, the value of p<0.05 was considered significant.
Conclusion: According to the results obtained, the mean score of the participants’ death anxiety level is 35.0 ± 9.53 and this score is consistent with overall-moderate death anxiety. The moderate score for the level of rational drug use was found to be 38.9 ± 3.43, indicating that the participants had a level of rational drug use above the average. In conclusion, the study showed that as death anxiety increased, the level of rational drug use decreased.
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